Home Remedies For Genital Wart


Discover 4 Home Remedies For Genital Warts In Men And Women

Learn about 4 home remedies for genital warts that can help both men and women get rid of their genital warts fast and natural.


Genital warts are among the most common sexually transmitted infections . They often appear on the moist tissues of the genital area like flesh-colored, small bumps. The main cause of genital warts is human papilloma virus (HPV). Genital warts generally do not cause pain, but they can make you feel itch and uncomfortable. There are many ways to get rid of genital warts such as electrocauterization, laser, surgery or cryotherapy. However, these ways are expensive, and in fact many people are shy to talk about their genital warts. Alternatively, people can choose another way that is not only effective but also easy to do at their own comfortable home. It is using home remedies for genital warts. There are 4 home remedies for genital warts in this writing that can help you remove genital warts fast and forever.

Home Remedies For Genital Warts

1. Pineapple Juice

As you know, pineapple is very rich in bromelain, a beneficial enzyme which is used for any inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, acne, psoriasis and dermatitis. Pineapple juice can also help to break down the genital warts. Moreover, its manganese can help you avoid scars after getting rid of genital warts. Soak a cotton swab in fresh pineapple juice and then apply it on your genital warts for ten minutes. After that, wipe off the pineapple juice.

2. Castor Oil

Castor oil is mentioned in this list of home remedies for genital warts because of its multiple complex compounds, which can help you remove genital warts. To get rid of genital warts, you need to apply castor oil on and around your warts before you go to bed at night. Use a thin slice of garlic  to cover oil treated wart can help the treatment more effective. Use a bandage or a tape to hold the garlic slice against the warts. Remove the bandage or tape in the next morning. Use this remedy for two to three weeks and your genital warts will be removed.

3. Witch Hazel Remedy

Another remedy among home remedies for genital warts is witch hazel. This herb is used to treat genital warts because it has the natural astringent which can help to shrink the undesirable tissues and make them fall off. In addition, witch hazel can help you cut off the blood supply to warts, inhibiting the growth of genital warts. You can use witch hazel in cream or gel form but the most effective for genital warts is pure distilled witch hazel. Apply witch hazel on your affected skin for ten minutes and then use a dry clean cloth to wipe off and remove the excessive solution. Do this process two times a day for one to two weeks. It may take more time if the warts are stubborn. Therefore, repeat until the genital warts are completely removed.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar  is used as one of the most popular home remedies for genital warts in particular and for health and beauty in general. Moreover, many people use apple cider vinegar to identify cervical cancer. In fact, like genital warts, cervical cancer is also caused by HPV. When you place a cotton patch or ball which is soaked in apple cider vinegar on your skin, the invisible warts will be appeared. For genital warts, this home remedy is work to clean the skin areas affected by genital warts. Use a small brush, toothpick or a cotton swab to apply apple cider vinegar on the warts for about ten minutes. After that, use a dry cloth to wipe off. To get the benefits of apple cider vinegar for genital warts, repeat to do this three times daily for at least 1 week. After two to three days, you will see the color change of the warts. Next, the warts will turn to a scab and fall off within a week. You may have a burning sensation or a stinging feel when first applying it to your warts.

There are 4 most effective home remedies for genital warts in men and women. All of the ingredients are available in any supermarket and the use of them is also very easy. If you are suffering from genital warts, do not hesitate to give these home remedies for genital warts a try. You will not have the feelings of remorse. If you do not like these home remedies, you also can find out many ways to get rid of your genital warts fast and completely by reading the How I Permanently Cured Genital Warts book review posted on vkool.com. For those who got the benefits of these home remedies for genital warts, please share your story below. Or if you have any question, let us know it!